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Terms Of Service

Thank you for considering using our services at Stogor. Before placing an order, please read the following Terms of Service carefully. By using our website or ordering products from us, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree with any of these terms, please do not use our website or purchase our products.

Use of the website

Our website, is for your personal use only. You may not use it for any commercial purposes, such as reselling our products, without our written consent. You may not use our website in any way that may damage, disable, overburden, or impair our server or networks, or interfere with any other user’s use of our website.

Product Information

We make every effort to ensure that the information on our website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information, product descriptions, pricing, or images displayed on our website. We reserve the right to correct any errors or omissions, update information, or cancel orders if any information on our website is inaccurate at any time without prior notice.

Order and Payment

When you place an order on our website, you agree to pay the total amount due for the products you ordered, including shipping and any applicable taxes. We accept payment by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Diner Club, Discover Card credit cards, and PayPal. We reserve the right to limit the quantity of products you can purchase and to refuse or cancel any orders that we suspect may be fraudulent or unauthorized.

Shipping and Delivery

Please refer to our Shipping Policy for information on shipping and delivery.

Returns and Refunds

Please refer to our Return and Refund Policy for information on returns and refunds.

Intellectual Property

All content, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, and software, used on our website is our property or that of our suppliers or licensors and is protected by copyright laws. You may not use or reproduce any content on our website without our written consent.

Disclaimer of Warranties

We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of our website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on our website for any purpose. You agree that your use of our website is at your sole risk.

Limitation of Liability

We will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of our website, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages, except where prohibited by law.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including legal fees) arising from your use of our website or any violation of these Terms of Service.

Changes to the Terms of Service

We reserve the right to update or modify these Terms of Service at any time without prior notice. Your continued use of our website after any changes to these Terms of Service will constitute your acceptance of the revised terms.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Service will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [Insert State Name], without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Any disputes arising from these Terms of Service will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Insert County Name], [Insert State Name].

Thank you for reading our Terms of Service. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].