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Cancellation Policy

At Stogor, we understand that sometimes circumstances can change, and you may need to cancel your order. We have created this cancellation policy to help our customers understand how to cancel their orders and what to expect when they do.

Order Cancellation

If you need to cancel your order, you must do so before it ships. If your order has already shipped, we cannot cancel it. To cancel your order, please contact our customer service team by email at [email protected], with the subject line “Order Cancellation Request.”

Please provide your order number and the reason for the cancellation. Our customer service team will respond to your request as soon as possible and let you know whether your order can be canceled.

If your order has not yet shipped, we will cancel it, and your payment will be refunded within 5-7 business days.

If your order has already shipped, it cannot be canceled, and you will need to follow our return policy.

Exceptions to our cancellation policy

In some cases, we may not be able to cancel your order, even if it has not yet shipped. These exceptions include:

  • Custom or made-to-order products that have already been produced
  • Products that are in the process of being shipped or are in transit
  • Products that have already been delivered

If your order falls under any of these exceptions, we cannot cancel it, and our return policy will apply.

We reserve the right to cancel orders in certain situations, such as if we suspect fraud or unauthorized activity, or if a product is out of stock or discontinued.

Cancellation Fees

We do not charge any cancellation fees if you cancel your order before it ships. However, if you cancel your order after it has shipped, you may be responsible for shipping costs and/or restocking fees.

We reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee if we incur any costs associated with processing your order and subsequently canceling it.


We understand that sometimes plans change, and you may need to cancel your order. Our cancellation policy is designed to be fair and straightforward, while also allowing us to provide the best possible service to all of our customers. If you have any questions about our cancellation policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.